full screen on Lenovo Laptop

How To Get Full Screen On Lenovo Laptop

Lenovo is a top brand in the current era of today’s world while selling the latest laptop, mobile phones, and other electronics to its valuable customers. The brand is known worldwide for its quality and performance offered by each gadget which it is selling. Here you will find how to get full screen on Lenovo laptop. So let’s get started!

People who are new to using a laptop or such device may have problems while using such a device. That is the time where our assistance can become their help. People ask questions related to their gadgets, and we provide solutions to their problems. In this discussion, we are discussing how to get full screen on the best laptop for second life.

Usually, you can get the full screen by using the F11 key from the keyboard, but if that doesn’t work, there is another way. Before starting, the person should know that this guide is for Windows 10 users, and here are few easy steps to this problem.

Make Start fullscreen

  • To start with making the full screen of your Start window and see everything in one view, you can click on the Start button from the taskbar, then select Settings.
  • Go to Personalization and press Start, and then click on the option that says Use Start full screen.
  • When you turn on the system next time and you open Start, the Start screen will automatically fill the entire desktop.
  • Select the option of All apps for a widescreen view of all the programs and apps on your desktop, or you can choose to stick to dynamic view with Pinned tiles.
  • Menu, Pinned tiles, and All apps will be resized in Start Menu to make it a bit wide or short by using a border or slider by dragging it.


This was a short guide for getting full screen on a Lenovo laptop. The details have been shared, and for more inquiries, contact official support or leave a comment in the box beneath.


Q#1: How would I make my PC screen or laptop full screen?

Ans: Press F11 from the keyboard. You may need to push and hold the FN key simultaneously, contingent upon the model of your laptop. F11 can be utilized to flip Full-Screen mode. You can likewise move your cursor to the upper edge of the screen.

Q#2: How would I get my full screen back to typical?

Ans: Press the F11 key on your PC’s console to leave full-screen mode. Note that squeezing the key again will flip you back to full-screen mode.

Q#3: How would I make my Lenovo laptop zoom in full screen?

Ans: To make it full screen, double-tap the screen or snap Start Full Screen in the upper right corner. In a screen sharing format, the zoom consequently changes to full screen to improve the showcase of the record or introduction. To leave the full screen, double-tap or press Esc.

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