Black Screen After Installing Video Card

Reasons of Black Screen After Installing New Video Card

What might be the cause of a Black Screen right after you install a new Video Card?

There is often a problem for PC users or laptop users to experience a black screen display when they install a new video or graphic card on their system. It is quite normal and often occurs due to various reasons. If you are facing one such issue, you don’t have to panic because this guide will help you fix your black screen problem after the installation of a new graphic card. Here is another best comparison between AMD A6 vs Intel i3.

If, in any case, you have disabled the graphic card of your PC, it is possible that your screen will go black as it won’t receive any input display signals. The issue can be due to invalid drivers, or sometimes it may be due to the cable not properly plugged in. You can fix this issue by trying all the solutions one by one. But first, you should know what might be the cause of the black screen after installing a new video card.

Reasons of Black Screen After Installing New Video Card

Following are some reasons that can be the reason of your black screen display.

Drivers Not Updated Completely

Drivers are the main cause of such a problem. In case you installed a new video card, and you haven’t installed the graphic drivers for it, then it won’t run and display anything on your screen. Most of the time, outdated drivers can also be the cause of black screens. Try to update your existing drivers or install relevantly new drivers according to your new graphic card installed.

Cables Not Plugged In Properly

Loose or improper connection of cables to the port can also cause this issue as the system might have difficulty in catching the signals through cables. Make sure your cables are tightly inserted in the port, and there is no loose space for them to break the connection. This was your graphic card can get the signals properly and should display your screen.

BIOS Settings Error

It is also possible that when you install a new video card, you have to enable it through the BIOS settings of your computer system. You must make sure that the card is set to enable and kept as the first priority of use from the BIOS and check to see if this fixes the problem.

Improper Installation Of Video Card

For most the cases, when a user tries to install a card by himself, it is possible that he may not be able to properly place the video card in the slot as it is recommended to hold it and press it down tightly on the board to establish a connection with the PC. Make sure your card is installed properly on the motherboard.

For these reasons, your laptop or PC screen must be showing a black display screen, and you can try to fix these issues and see if the problem is resolved. If none of the activities works for you, then it may be possible that your video card is faulty or it is not supported by the motherboard. Or you can say there is a possibility that you may not be using a proper cable to connect the card as there are different cables like HDMI, DVI and others for providing proper connection to your display.


This was a short discussion on the black screen display issue, and we discussed possible reasons along with their possible solutions in easy steps.


Q#1: How do I test my graphics card to see if it’s failing?

Ans: The easy solution to this is, you can pull out your graphic card and then use another graphic card on your system to see if that works fine. Otherwise, there must be some other issue with your pc.

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